
5 Reasons Why The World Do Not Take Christians Seriously

1. We Value Words More Than Power – Jesus demonstrated everything He spoke about, and only spoke about things He could demonstrate. Whether it was morally or seeing blind eyes open, He proved everything He believed. We as children of God are called to do the same thing and according to Jesus, even greater things.

2. We Show Love With An Agenda – Love is unconditional and does not carry an agenda but simply loves. A lot of Christians love with conditions and will let go when what they hoped for didn’t go according to plan. But real love will hold on no matter what and will give, knowing that they might not get anything in return.

3. Religion Causes Us To Be Someone We Are Not – I think this has to be one of the worst ones because it is so deceiving. Religion makes you feel like you are doing good not realising that it is drawing you further away from God and makes you bound rather than free. The world recognises it and on most occasions don’t want anything to do with it.

4. Most Things Are Over Spiritualised And Deep – Have you ever been around a Christian that is over-spiritual and deep? If you have then, you would know how frustrating it can be to listen to words coming out of their mouth. I remember asking a guy in my old church if he was a regular member at the church and he responded by saying “We are the church brother!!”. Well, technically he was right but it didn’t answer my question and I could see that he was trying to impress me with his deep spiritual knowledge. Unfortunately for him I was not impressed one bit and I’ve found out that not many people are!!

5. Unbelievers Feel Treated Like A Project And Not A Human Being – This point is similar to my second point in that, Love has no agenda but gives unconditionally. Unbelievers feel like a project when some Christians are showing them love. The unconditional element was taken out and now they feel like the only reason they are being pursued is to get them to do something. That’s why, if you haven’t noticed, when you talk to certain people about faith they get their backs up immediately. This is not because they don’t want to hear about God but they feel that you are going to try and get them to do something without actually valuing them. There is nothing wrong with talking to people about God but everything should be done in real love.  

Secular Vs Sacred Work


I’m sure most people reading this blog have heard of the terms “secular” and “sacred”. In the Christian world secular stands for anything that belongs to the world and does not have its origin within the Christian faith. E.g unless you work within a church setting (pastor, worship leader, church secretary etc…) which is considered sacred, then every other job is considered to be a secular job. Now if this sounds about right to you then I have some news for you, its all the same!!

Let me explain. When we separate the two we have a conversation in our minds that says “the sacred is what I do for God and the secular is just what I have to do to make a living”. We don’t believe that God is really for it and we tend to esteem those in a sacred job as more holy than us, not realising that anything we do we are meant to do it as on to the Lord.

This means that any job I do that is good and does not require me to partake in evil is considered sacred and unto God. Now you might be asking, “why is this important?” Well it’s important because many are confused about whether they should keep going after their career and in some cases what they were born for – or just go into full time ministry and become a preacher. They think this way not necessarily because they feel a calling from God but it’s just what we have been taught as being the high water mark.

Everyone desires the best that God has so if preaching or some sort of other “sacred” occupation is marketed as the best then that’s what we will want to go after. If this is your bent then I’ll gently warn you that you will never get to your God given destiny by just doing what appears to be right or good. You have to go where your heart comes alive!

So whether you are a actor, business man, tax man, teacher, Pastor, IT specialist, charity worker, entrepreneur etc… it’s all sacred when you do it unto the Lord.