
7 Reasons Why The Power Of God Is Not Active In Your Life


1. You believe it’s only for certain individuals – I use to believe that the power of God (miracles, signs and wonders) were only for certain people because that is how I was taught. I was taught that only leadership was allow to lay hands and visiting pastors or prophets. I thought I would have to fast 40 days and nights to even get close to what they are carrying. In light of this, it all changed when I found out that the Spirit of the Resurrected Christ lives in me. I realised I carried the same power so I too was able to see what they saw!!

2. You only wait for things to happen but don’t step out to see the power of God activated – If the Holy Spirit lives in you then the next step is to look for opportunities to see Him released. Waiting for things to happen only expresses lack of understanding in what you have and the commission to give it away.

3. You pray things like ‘IF it’s Your will!!’- The word ‘if’ should never be used at the start of a prayer as far as faith is concerned. It only serves to make you double minded and unsure as whether or not God wants to do what you have requested.

4. You might of been taught that miracles were only for Bible days – Some church circles believe that miracles passed away in ancient times so now we only get to practice a Christianity that is based on moral behaviour, being good to people and getting people saved. This might sound right but was never the example of Jesus or anyone in the New Testament. In fact He commanded His disciples to go and teach the world everything He commanded them. What did He command them to do? Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those with leprosy and drive out demons!!

5. You have been sucked into a culture that celebrates theories and concepts more than experience – “Bible study without bible experience is pointless.” – Bill Johnson. The point is that when we focus on just reading or listening to words without experiencing them we step into an inferior Christianity. Christianity was never meant to be known by words only, but by power. Knowing God can not be achieved by just reading and entertaining concepts. To know Him is to experience Him!!

6. You are waiting to get to a certain level of spirituality – The power of God is not based on where you are spiritually and certainly not on how good you are. It’s always based on how good GOD is!! The Spirit of God lives in you now, not later and comes fully equipped with power so start moving!!

7. The fear of something not happening holds you back – Before I started to see miracles through my own hands I was afraid to step out because I thought I would feel embarrassed if I put someones hopes up and then nothing happened. After doing this for a little while I realised that if I don’t step out and take the risk nothing will happen!! I then had to get over myself and step out regardless of whether I saw an instant result or not. It’s about the risk more then the result.

5 Reasons Why The World Do Not Take Christians Seriously

1. We Value Words More Than Power – Jesus demonstrated everything He spoke about, and only spoke about things He could demonstrate. Whether it was morally or seeing blind eyes open, He proved everything He believed. We as children of God are called to do the same thing and according to Jesus, even greater things.

2. We Show Love With An Agenda – Love is unconditional and does not carry an agenda but simply loves. A lot of Christians love with conditions and will let go when what they hoped for didn’t go according to plan. But real love will hold on no matter what and will give, knowing that they might not get anything in return.

3. Religion Causes Us To Be Someone We Are Not – I think this has to be one of the worst ones because it is so deceiving. Religion makes you feel like you are doing good not realising that it is drawing you further away from God and makes you bound rather than free. The world recognises it and on most occasions don’t want anything to do with it.

4. Most Things Are Over Spiritualised And Deep – Have you ever been around a Christian that is over-spiritual and deep? If you have then, you would know how frustrating it can be to listen to words coming out of their mouth. I remember asking a guy in my old church if he was a regular member at the church and he responded by saying “We are the church brother!!”. Well, technically he was right but it didn’t answer my question and I could see that he was trying to impress me with his deep spiritual knowledge. Unfortunately for him I was not impressed one bit and I’ve found out that not many people are!!

5. Unbelievers Feel Treated Like A Project And Not A Human Being – This point is similar to my second point in that, Love has no agenda but gives unconditionally. Unbelievers feel like a project when some Christians are showing them love. The unconditional element was taken out and now they feel like the only reason they are being pursued is to get them to do something. That’s why, if you haven’t noticed, when you talk to certain people about faith they get their backs up immediately. This is not because they don’t want to hear about God but they feel that you are going to try and get them to do something without actually valuing them. There is nothing wrong with talking to people about God but everything should be done in real love.  

Secular Vs Sacred Work


I’m sure most people reading this blog have heard of the terms “secular” and “sacred”. In the Christian world secular stands for anything that belongs to the world and does not have its origin within the Christian faith. E.g unless you work within a church setting (pastor, worship leader, church secretary etc…) which is considered sacred, then every other job is considered to be a secular job. Now if this sounds about right to you then I have some news for you, its all the same!!

Let me explain. When we separate the two we have a conversation in our minds that says “the sacred is what I do for God and the secular is just what I have to do to make a living”. We don’t believe that God is really for it and we tend to esteem those in a sacred job as more holy than us, not realising that anything we do we are meant to do it as on to the Lord.

This means that any job I do that is good and does not require me to partake in evil is considered sacred and unto God. Now you might be asking, “why is this important?” Well it’s important because many are confused about whether they should keep going after their career and in some cases what they were born for – or just go into full time ministry and become a preacher. They think this way not necessarily because they feel a calling from God but it’s just what we have been taught as being the high water mark.

Everyone desires the best that God has so if preaching or some sort of other “sacred” occupation is marketed as the best then that’s what we will want to go after. If this is your bent then I’ll gently warn you that you will never get to your God given destiny by just doing what appears to be right or good. You have to go where your heart comes alive!

So whether you are a actor, business man, tax man, teacher, Pastor, IT specialist, charity worker, entrepreneur etc… it’s all sacred when you do it unto the Lord.

10 Myths That Hold The Church Back


1. God punishes us when we mess up – Most Christians live like God is waiting for an opportunity for us to mess up so He can punish us, but this is far from the truth. Instead He looks for opportunities to show us mercy and where sin increases grace increases more. He is not afraid of our mistakes!!

2. God gives sickness to teach us a lesson – Sickness does not originate from God but instead destroys lives and causes turmoil in society. Now, we all know who comes to steal, kill and destroy and yes you have guessed right, the devil!! Sickness is a fruit of evil and was defeated on the cross. God cannot undo what He has done to teach us a lesson!!

3. I have to wait for conformation before I move – Now before you to jump to conclusions I believe in waiting on God and His direction but to be honest most people that use this are people that are afraid to move and take responsibility. They use spiritual terms to hide their disfunction. God has given us wisdom, great people, and His word to make decisions. Let’s use it.

4. I’m a Sinner – The most basic teaching when we become Christians should be that we have graduated from a sinner to saint and from a slave to sonship. When we became born again our nature changed from an inferior one to a heavenly one so, we no longer have permission to call ourselves sinners because it not who we are!!

5. The further you go the more devils – I’m not sure where this comes from and I don’t know why people claim it but what I do know is that what you believe will manifest. If you believe the lie you empower the liar!! Most people are dealing with enough devils to last them a lifetime without even going far so most of the time it is to do with what you give authority to and about changing your mindset.

6. The Spirit will lift if I mess up – Ok so I’m not the smartest guy in the world but one thing I’ll tell you for free is, God is good!! He knows everything before you mess up and has created provision for when you do it which is the Holy Spirit. He is called a Helper so it would not be a great plan for Him to leave when we actually need help and restoration. Once again, what you believe will manifest.

7. If it’s not in the bible it’s not God – Bill Johnson says, ‘All of the Bible is in God but not all of God is in the Bible’. Sometimes it’s not about whether it’s in the Bible but rather does it go against or confirm it. If it goes against it then stay away but if it doesn’t then don’t throw it away so quickly. Not everything you do in life including your occupation, you will find in the Bible, but it’s our job to use wisdom.

8. Only “special” people can do supernatural stuff – In my younger Christian years I was taught this not from the pulpit but by observation. Since then I’ve realised that it’s for anyone who believes and there is no age, gender or social specifics attached to it. Nothing is impossible for them that believe!!

9. God doesn’t speak to me – If I got one pound for the many times I’ve heard this I would be a rich man. The issue is not whether you hear His voice but it’s your ability to discern when and how He speaks!! God is always speaking but if you don’t know how He speaks you will miss the little nudges He gives us. Jesus said my sheep hear my voice.

10. I’m waiting for the one – Now if you are not ticked off already reading this blog this one will get you. This is such a popular belief but so limiting. Many are waiting on God to show them “the one” and are still waiting. It eliminates all personal responsibility to partner and co-labor with God and undermines personal choice. Just because it happened to someone else that way it doesn’t mean it has to be that way for you!!

Revival on purpose


Scripture: Matthew 10:7-8

In my last blog I spoke about my experience with religion but I’ve never really spoken about why I called my blog revival on purpose. Let me explain.

Through my years of being and Christian ive realised that The world including me are looking for an authentic message. A message that can be tasted, touched and proved not just by head knowledge but by people that demonstrate the reality of God through love. God is not a theory, philosophy or a fictional character but a real being that can be experienced if you reach out to touch. As I read the bible I can’t seem to overlook the fact that everywhere Jesus went he experienced breakthrough on a regular basis. Check it for yourself!! The sick were healed, their was never lack, he was secure in His identity, he multiplied food on purpose, knew things before they happened, raised the dead and stopped life threatening storms and if that doesn’t get you excited he then said we could do the same thing and more. There were no if’s or buts, everything happened on purpose!! I call it revival on purpose, others might call it intentional living but the point is, we are called to be like Him in every way and re-present Him to a lost and dying world. The Christian life is meant to be a life of continuous breakthrough and encounters with a true and living God. It was never meant to be occasional but continuous for those who are in relationship with God. One of the reasons we don’t experience much is because we value theory over experience instead of letting theory lead into that experience. Bill Johnson puts it in a wonderful way. He says, “bible study without bible experience is pointless”.

We are called to live life full of God and the supernatural. Anything less than is simply boring!! We were never called just to remember scripture verses just go to church but rather to live and experience like Jesus did. I’ve been on this journey myself and have seen amazing breakthrough. If you Dare to join me and I promise you will see the same!!

Unreasonable kindness


Scripture- 1 Timothy 1:16

One of the saddest things to be promoted by the church and the world is the idea that God is angry with all humanity and that He causes bad things to happen. Hurricanes, earthquakes, terrorist attacks and sickness are considered to be acts of God because of sin. Somehow God gets the blame for everything that goes wrong in our lives and we are left powerless to change our situation.

After I had a love encounter with God and began to study the life of Jesus I realised that the Father is extreme in His kindness and looks for opportunities to lavish His love on those who do not deserve it. Let’s just be real, none of us deserve it!!! Jesus healed every disease He came across, stopped life threatening storms, forgave those who deserved to be stoned, healed the broken hearted, touched the untouchable or the rejects in society and loved without limit, then commanded us to do the same. Jesus came to fix the problem through Love and still does the same thing today. I agree that God does not agree with sin but His method of dealing with it is different to the way we would.

I have a friend that was hooked on Crystal meth for 10 years, she lived a life in and out of prison and was homeless for some time. After an encounter with Love in the back of a police car she was completely set free from a 10 year addiction and today is married and going after her dreams. I know of someone that was a famous porn star and after an encounter with Jesus she was completely transformed and is now living a different life. I’ve heard stories of people that blamed God for their sickness but after they changed their mind they recieved complete healing. God is not looking for people to punish but rather people to show unreasonable kindness to.

If you’ve experienced or are feeling depressed, sick, broke, unloved, dealing with addiction etc… God is not the author!! But rather, He longs to lavish His love and is dedicated to seeing you free.

God is good!!