
5 Things That Make A Friendship Last


Good and lasting friendships are what keep us grounded, safe and in community. Without it I don’t know where I would be personally. It’s the thing apart from God that has kept me encouraged, motivated, young at heart and connected to life.

Here are 5 things that help make friendships last:

1. Loyalty – Loyalty creates trust and sends a message that says you will be there no matter what happens. A loyal person always has a friends best interest at heart and won’t leave them when they faced with a tricky situation.

2. Genuine Love – Learn to love without an agenda and not because of what you can get or what a person has to offer, but rather just because you love them. Appreciate the person God has made them to be and avoid being fake!!

3. Support Their Dreams – Friendships are more then just hanging out but it involves pushing each other towards greatness and pouring into each other’s dreams. There is nothing more refreshing and affirming than knowing that you have a friend that believes in you and your dreams.

4. Speak Truth In Love – Most people are afraid of confrontation but in order for a friendship to grow things need to be pointed out. Remember you point out things only to make someone better, not to tear them down or make them feel less of a person.

5. Give More Than You Receive – If you like to receive more than you give then you will sabotage a friendship. No one wants a friend that takes all the time, simply because it is draining. In order to make a friendship work, your motive should always be to give and build the other person.

Faith Is Easy


Bill Johnson Senior Pastor of Bethel Church says that if faith causes you to sweat then it’s not real faith. If you have to try hard to have faith then you should probably sit back and begin to evaluate reasons why!! Faith is simply a natural response to a God that loves you outrageously. Once you come to the realisation of how much then faith becomes easy.

When I was a child I don’t remember worrying whether it was my mums desire to provide and take care of me, because I knew she loved me and she is a responsible women. In fact I wouldn’t of even called it faith but simple trust because I knew she wanted the best for me. It was just a normal part of life!! If that’s how my mum treats me who has less resources, time and power, how much more a God who has unlimited resources and power? The important thing is not trying to work up your faith but to change your perspective on how you view the goodness of God.

I remember four years ago I prayed for God to give me a iPod Touch. I didn’t pray long, beg or plead but kept it simple and just asked like I would a trusted friend. Well one day while hanging out with a friend I opened my bible and found $200 (I lived in America at the time) sitting in the middle of it. This was the exact price of the iPod touch and I went and ordered it right away. Simple faith can bring extraordinary breakthrough.

My message today is just to relax and take it easy a bit. God wants to bless you more than you know it. Here are some things that help me:

1. The Realisation of How Much He Loves Me – If you don’t know then make an effect to find out. Listen to people that speak about and carry that revelation and seek to be impacted by it.

2. Counting Blessings – We count our blessings firstly because we want to be impacted by the goodness of God but also because our previous blessing becomes our standard for the next one. E.g. If you get blessed financially then that becomes your NEW standard for living. It’s not just a one time encounter!!

3. Taking Risks – For you to see if you have faith you will have to step out and try it. Without stepping out you will never know and limit your growth in this area.

Receive more of His love and watch Him elevate you today!! Remember, faith is easy!

Living Ablaze


A few years ago while at home I decided to make some oven fries that I purchased at the supermarket. After putting it in the oven and setting the temperature I went upstairs to relax. Fifteen minutes had gone by, so I went downstairs to check its progress and to my surprise it seemed like nothing had been done!! I spent a few seconds in confusion and then realised that I had set the temperature very low and the fries were not going to be ready for another hour if I kept it at that temperature.

The obvious thing to do was to turn the temperature higher but the bigger realisation in the moment was that my inner temperature was low and in order for me to cause a lasting and significant impact in this world my inner temperature would have to be turned up a lot higher. Things get done quicker and are more effective when our inner flame is up fully. Obstacles become opportunities and life becomes an adventure!! The man that possesses an inner passion cannot be easily stopped but will persevere in great difficulty.

In my lifetime I’ve witnessed many that have possessed passion and have done great things but at the same time I’ve seen those that have lost their passion and allowed there fire to subside. The things they used to run after they no longer do and the excitement for life has been replaced with daily mundane things that take away life.

The key to keeping your fire alive is not to allow the water of life such as: people’s opinions, hardships, hurts and fear to influence your fire. Your inner temperature is a great Possession and should be protected at any cost. Here are some things that help me keep my passion alive:

1. Intimacy with God. All life comes from the presence of God and without it I can do nothing. I do this even when I don’t feel like it because I’m at my best with His presence.

2. Read books that inspire, give life and speak into your passion.

3. Seeking healing from past/current hurts and wounds.

4. Find people that carry passion and draw from them until it rubs off onto me.

5. I refuse to agree with negative talk about myself unless it’s helpful for growth.

6. I keep records of things that have happened rather then focusing on what has not. Always have a thankful heart.

7. Be obedient to what is on your heart and do it. Staying stagnant will kill passion.

8. Dream BIG and never stop dreaming!!

Without passion we live average lives and stop short of an awesome destiny. Keep your fire burning!!

Stinking Thinking


Recently I was told a story about a young guy who works under a man who manipulates him psychologically and exudes control over him to get what he wants. This young guy has no social life and works 20 hour days with only 4 hours sleep. When asked why he allows this to happen he explained that he was taught that God punishes those He loves. Because of this he felt that God was using his job as punishment to express how much He loves him. Now, this is extreme and I’m sure that most would agree that this is bad teaching and should be corrected right away, but the funny thing is that most of us including me cling to distorted teaching everyday and end up in holes that are difficult to get out of.

What you are taught will influence your thoughts and your thoughts will dictate what you do!! Fruitful living is the result of good beliefs and good beliefs are determined by what we allow to make a home in our thought life. I remember a time I wanted so desperately to move forward in God but I felt something blocking me. I blamed the devil and everything else I could think of but it didn’t seem to help. It wasn’t until I was taught about the love of God and righteousness apart from works, that freedom came and the block was removed. I then realised that the thing that had blocked me was bad teaching. I was taught God was angry and I had to get everything right. Everything depended on my behaviour and striving to be righteous. It was impossible!!

The point I’m making is that it’s hard to move forward when we still have stinking thinking!! I’ve given you two examples but there are many more. There are people that won’t go after their dreams because of lies they were taught from teachers or parents. People sabotage relationships because of lies they have believed about themselves, have financial lack because of bad teaching and the list goes on. Some of this is caused by life’s circumstances but a mind that is renewed through good beliefs will run laps around a person that is content with their current thinking.

Don’t let bad teaching or negative opinions of you become your reality. Make it your priority today to challenge mindsets that restrict you from moving forward into greater works.

Dream Catcher


The harsh reality is that in life only some will take up courage and relentlessly pursue their dreams or that which God has placed on their heart. Others will give up or completely disregard the thing they are destined for because of life’s challenges or responsibilities. While some excuses might seem reasonable the fact is that ultimate fulfilment comes from living your dream and finishing the thing God has given you to do. Jesus said that His ‘food is to do the will of Him who sent Me’.

In other words He was saying His satisfaction and nourishment comes from doing what He was born to do. Now I know some might be thinking that maybe one day something great might happen for them but let me just be honest, it will never just fall into your lap, but rather you need to become a person that catches dreams until opportunity begins to catch you!! God will give you all you need once you take the first step.

Let me share a testimony with you. For a long time I knew it was the heart of God towards me to begin to write. I put it off for a long time and just never got around to doing it, simply because of fear and feelings of inadequacy. I didn’t believe in myself because I didn’t feel I was qualified. School was not the best for me and I found English very boring. I got kicked out of most of my English lessons and hardly ever did homework. Because of this I never completed any coursework and earned a G for my final grade. After this experience I avoided anything to do with writing and I didn’t enjoy reading apart from the bible. Years later I knew God was calling me to write but I said to Him that “everyone is writing”. His exact words to me a few seconds after was, “yes but they haven’t heard you yet”. After this I received encouragement from a trusted friend and let go of some lies I was believing and began to write and I can honestly say that I feel satisfied when I do it and know that God will move me on to bigger and better things.

Don’t wait for permission to pursue what you have been created to do but rather become a dream catcher accepting nothing less than His best!!

Daddy believes in you


The beautiful thing about the Father is that He no longer treats you according to your great behaviour or your status in life. It matters very little whether you’re the most attractive or not, if you have qualifications or not, or if you’ve made mistakes you are not proud of!!

The Father still believes 100% in you and is dedicated to seeing you prosper in every part of your life. I’m not sure if you’ve realised, but God can take the most unqualified person and raise him above a person that is fully qualified. This is not to say that qualifications are undesirable or not important, but rather to say that nothing can stop a person that knows God believes in them 100% because His grace and favor opens doors!

In my opinion one of the the number one killers of this core belief is condemnation and it normally stems from religion or lack of understanding. I’ve had the opportunity of being in church for a few years and I’ve seen many fall away or live below the standard that was set by Jesus. One of the reasons for them falling away is because they lost all hope in the fact that God still believes in them in spite of there sin or disfunction. Proverbs 13:12 says ‘unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick…’. Their life was based on how well they performed and not based on a good Father who loves them in-spite of their performance. The Father is NOT afraid of your mistakes or who you currently are but is dedicated to making something beautiful out of nothing. That’s why it’s important to surrender all you have. Not for a religious act but rather putting your life in the Hands of the One who is able to make you amazing!!

The message I’m trying to convey today is that there is hope for you in-spite of where you are in life and let me make it clear, I DONT CARE WHERE YOU ARE AT!! There is still hope for you because Daddy is bigger than your current situation. The rest of the Proverb verse says ‘… but a sudden good break can turn life around.’ Take a step and go after your dreams or what God has called you to. Make it your priority to draw nearer to God knowing that He is not angry with you. He WILL change your life because Daddy believes in YOU!!!!

Revival on purpose


Scripture: Matthew 10:7-8

In my last blog I spoke about my experience with religion but I’ve never really spoken about why I called my blog revival on purpose. Let me explain.

Through my years of being and Christian ive realised that The world including me are looking for an authentic message. A message that can be tasted, touched and proved not just by head knowledge but by people that demonstrate the reality of God through love. God is not a theory, philosophy or a fictional character but a real being that can be experienced if you reach out to touch. As I read the bible I can’t seem to overlook the fact that everywhere Jesus went he experienced breakthrough on a regular basis. Check it for yourself!! The sick were healed, their was never lack, he was secure in His identity, he multiplied food on purpose, knew things before they happened, raised the dead and stopped life threatening storms and if that doesn’t get you excited he then said we could do the same thing and more. There were no if’s or buts, everything happened on purpose!! I call it revival on purpose, others might call it intentional living but the point is, we are called to be like Him in every way and re-present Him to a lost and dying world. The Christian life is meant to be a life of continuous breakthrough and encounters with a true and living God. It was never meant to be occasional but continuous for those who are in relationship with God. One of the reasons we don’t experience much is because we value theory over experience instead of letting theory lead into that experience. Bill Johnson puts it in a wonderful way. He says, “bible study without bible experience is pointless”.

We are called to live life full of God and the supernatural. Anything less than is simply boring!! We were never called just to remember scripture verses just go to church but rather to live and experience like Jesus did. I’ve been on this journey myself and have seen amazing breakthrough. If you Dare to join me and I promise you will see the same!!

Religion vs Relationship: The Letter Kills But The Spirit Gives Life


Scripture: 2 Corinthians 3:6

Have you ever contrasted religion vs relationship? Or it could be rephrased as the law vs love? Many of us live or have lived in tension between the two. Here are some of my observations and experiences that I would like to share with you.

Religion is the subtle silent killer of the good news of Jesus. It blocks the very thing it promises it can produce and hinders a real and authentic relationship with God. Its left a sour taste in the mouth of many and has disguised itself as God. Now, I’m not talking about religion in a positive sense like the Apostle James brought to our attention in James 1:27. But rather the kind that is used to control and manipulate. Let me tell you my story.

I’ve been a Christian for 9 years now and 5 of those years were spent in a legalistic mindset. I thought I had a great relationship with God but in reality I had a relationship with His book (the Bible). Don’t get me wrong, the Bible is essential for life and all who desire to know God but If it doesn’t lead you to the Creator then you will just get used to following rules and principles and eventually will get tired. My focus was on how well I could live and was very strict on my pursuit of holiness. I wasn’t a horrible person but I preached a harsh message and tried my best to to scare people into heaven. I was zealous but wasn’t fulfilled. My faith was in the rules and not the person of Jesus. In light of all of this, everything changed for me when I encountered love. I stepped out of religion into relationship!! Performing for God’s approval became a thing of the past and being a Son became my focus. The nature of my message changed from a harsh one to one that gives life and no longer did I feel the need to scare people into heaven. Most of all I felt free to worship.

If your feeling unfulfilled, unloved, tired or burnt out, you might of encountered religion and not a God who has no limits. Make a decision today to encounter the person of Jesus!

I love me


Scripture: Genesis 1:27

Loving yourself is a requirement not an option. It’s one of the keys to reaching the full potential of who you are. The level of freedom you walk in will be determined by how much you have embraced who you are. We were born to shine and make significant impact on the world around us because we are loved by an extravagant Father and created in His image. therefore greatness is meant to be our normal expression.

Part of this process is about learning how to show appreciation for who God has made us to be. But on the other hand we can only really do this when we realise how much the Father is outrageously in love with us. We are accepted in Him and His wrath towards us was satisfied through Jesus making Him a proud Father. He adores everything about us and has given us an upgrade in our identity. He sees no blemish or wrinkle and it’s time that we begin to view ourselves how He see us.

Sadly many people fall short of loving themselves because experiences in life have taught themselves otherwise. Things like mental/physical abuse, self comparison, neglect, rejection, lack of love and affection, careless words, drugs and the list goes on. All of these things can cause you to dislike who you are and in many cases cause you to perform and want to be someone else. Negative thoughts about who you are will also cause you to manifest negative behaviour. Most negative behaviour can be changed by simply altering our thought life.

My encouragement today is to learn how to appreciate who God has made you to be and the greatness that He has put inside of you. We are not called to be someone else and we are not to accept dictations from others about who we are meant to be. God has the first and last say about who we are!!!

Unreasonable kindness


Scripture- 1 Timothy 1:16

One of the saddest things to be promoted by the church and the world is the idea that God is angry with all humanity and that He causes bad things to happen. Hurricanes, earthquakes, terrorist attacks and sickness are considered to be acts of God because of sin. Somehow God gets the blame for everything that goes wrong in our lives and we are left powerless to change our situation.

After I had a love encounter with God and began to study the life of Jesus I realised that the Father is extreme in His kindness and looks for opportunities to lavish His love on those who do not deserve it. Let’s just be real, none of us deserve it!!! Jesus healed every disease He came across, stopped life threatening storms, forgave those who deserved to be stoned, healed the broken hearted, touched the untouchable or the rejects in society and loved without limit, then commanded us to do the same. Jesus came to fix the problem through Love and still does the same thing today. I agree that God does not agree with sin but His method of dealing with it is different to the way we would.

I have a friend that was hooked on Crystal meth for 10 years, she lived a life in and out of prison and was homeless for some time. After an encounter with Love in the back of a police car she was completely set free from a 10 year addiction and today is married and going after her dreams. I know of someone that was a famous porn star and after an encounter with Jesus she was completely transformed and is now living a different life. I’ve heard stories of people that blamed God for their sickness but after they changed their mind they recieved complete healing. God is not looking for people to punish but rather people to show unreasonable kindness to.

If you’ve experienced or are feeling depressed, sick, broke, unloved, dealing with addiction etc… God is not the author!! But rather, He longs to lavish His love and is dedicated to seeing you free.

God is good!!