
5 Reasons Why It’s Time To Create


1. The World needs what you have – Everyone that has been created has a unique contribution to give the world. It’s a calling or gift that only you can give and without it the world waits in starvation for you to arise. In other words when you sit down on your gift there is a spiritual imbalance that effects the natural world and can only be corrected when people arise and shine. This might seem extreme but it’s through creating that we discover solutions and answers for critical issues. We provide opportunities that were not previously there and inspire a generation to be themselves. Without people creating we would not have the privileges we have today.

2. You Won’t Feel Satisfied Until You Do It – There is something satisfying about creating for yourself. It’s like a hole that can only be filled when we step out and begin create. God had the exact feeling when He created the earth In Genesis chapter 1. After He finished creating (not before!!) He said it was good and on the 7th day He rested. He was satisfied therefore giving Him the ability to rest. Now I don’t think it was rest as we know it to be as God can’t sleep but rather it was an act of satisfaction. What I’m saying is that when you start creating the hole gets filled and you get the opportunity to rest knowing that what you created is good!!

3. We Were Born To Create  It’s in our nature. In my second point you would have seen me reference the creation story in Genesis chapter one. Well in the same chapter it says that we are made in the image of God and in His likeness meaning that we posses His very nature without trying and therefore it is natural for us to create. Let me put it this way, we were born to create as our Father in heaven creates. If you are not creating then I’ll suggest to you that you are not fully being yourself. It’s time to create!!

4. There Are Levels Of Growth That Can Only Be Accessed Through Creating – There are different levels to growth and there are only some that will open up if we are ready to create. It’s like a password to a door that we will only gain access to if we have the right code. In my life I have had many different levels of growth such as spiritual growth, relationship growth, integrity growth, educational growth etc. These are all levels of growth that are very important. In addition there is another sort of growth where it requires you to put yourself “out there”. It requires you to dig deep and face some of your deepest fears, it takes courage and an imagination. It’s called creating!!

5. It’s Part Of Our Calling – We all have a calling and most of the time it require us to build. Callings will always involve other people. It’s meant to be a beautiful thing when you can create something for someone else to enjoy. It’s a calling and our way of giving back what God has placed inside of us. Let’s start creating!!

God Likes Creativity

Are you a creative person? Have you ever wondered if God really supports what you do? Have you ever thought about giving up your creative journey so you can please God in doing something else? If your answer is ‘yes’ to any of these questions then I’ve got good news for you. God likes it!!

A few years back I met a lovely lady that was a seasoned artist and was able to make it her full time job. While in conversation with her she began to tell me that when she first became a Christian she put her craft to the side because she felt that God didn’t accept it. Now this might seem noble to some, to put something down for God but there is a difference between releasing something for a season to give God ultimate focus and releasing something because you think He doesn’t care about it not realising that He was the One that gave you the gift.

As we spoke more we realised that God was not involved in her decision to put her gift down but rather it was the church that she attended. They didn’t have a value for art but saw it as worldly and could not see how God could be interested in it. So because the church (the people not the building) is suppose to be a representation of God their views got projected onto God. This might seem extreme to some but it happens all the time.  There are people that are sitting on gifts that could change the world. Let me be clear – God expects us to create and takes great joy in us doing so. He is the ultimate creator and chose to create us in His image, meaning that we should naturally do the same thing that our Father in heaven does. We have the spiritual essence of God so therefore we to have the ability to create extravagantly and notice the smallest details as He does and express them through our creativity whether that’s music, painting, writing, architecture, hair, fashion etc. Creating is normal for Him and it should be normal for us also!!

My message for you today is, keep creating without being discouraged by the negative concerns or suspicions of other people. You have been called to create.

10 Things Christians Need To Know About Pursuing Their Dream


One of the most common questions in the church today is, ‘what’s my calling or dream and how do I pursue it?’ It’s popular because when God created us He placed destiny in every heart and made it that we will not be satisfied until it is achieved.

In my 10 points I’ve managed to observe over a period of time some of the sneaky religious stuff that hold people back from going after the thing God has put on their heart.

Here they are:

1. You don’t have to wait for your Pastors permission – If you are looking for validation from man it might not come. You may never get earthly permission but God still expects us to pursue because we have permission from Him. Go after whatever God put on your heart.

2. It’s ok to make mistakes and not get it right a few times – Many are afraid of this not realising that failure can be our best friend. That’s where you learn the most, it’s where you discover your strengths & weaknesses and most of all it’s where you realise your need for a loving God.

3. You don’t always have to wait to hear a word – Move and God will let you know what He thinks. Sometimes we wait for a word and God expects us to move. We end up wasting a lot of time and normally because we are afraid to step out and try!! I once heard a saying that ‘it’s hard to steer a car when it’s not moving’. The implication is that when you are moving God will direct you to where you need to go.

4. Making yourself known to people – Putting yourself out there doesn’t mean self promotion. This was a big one for me because I felt that putting myself out and letting people know that I exist meant self promotion until God let me know that He was not going to magically tell people who I am. I would have to fully go after what He has placed on my heart and this means putting myself out there.

5. God likes excellence and expects it from His children – Work that is slack is not attractive to anyone. It’s important that we grow in excellence as our Father in heaven is excellent. Excellence increases our influence.

6. It’s okay to want to be wealthy – It’s only a problem when it’s an obsession. Money is there as a resource, help and also for pleasure. God will use it to get you to where you need to go and beyond. Don’t be afraid of it!!

7. Your neighbour is there to help you, not to steal your destiny – I’ve been to a few churches where it seems to be popular to refer to your neighbour as your enemy if you feel they agree with you or if they are holding you back. The problem is that God created us to need each other and to love no matter the cost. God has placed people in our lives for a reason and if you feel it’s a negative connection then confront it, but don’t pronounce them as your enemy.

8. Without hard work it will not happen – Many think that because God looks at the heart they don’t have to put much work into what they do, but it’s the complete opposite. He looks for hearts that will put their best foot forward in everything they do. Without hard work nothing great will be accomplished. Hard work pays off!!

9. Pray and move – Faith without works is dead!! In most Christian circles people use prayer as an excuse not to move. Most of this is fear of getting it wrong so we find a way to spiritualize it so it doesn’t look that bad, but the fact is you will not know whether your prayer is effective unless you move and see.

10. Dreams are from God – Many think that their dreams are selfish or just apart of their flesh. They think that their dreams have to be super spiritual for it to be valid but God is in the things that seem small and things that are big. We have the mind of Christ so have confidence in what your dreaming.

Jesus paid for us to have a bright future do not let religion hold you back from what God wants to do with you!!

God: King of Swag!!


Scripture: Matthew 6:28-30

About a year ago I was in my closet figuring out what I should wear as I was on my way out. Thoughts rushed into my mind and it came to my realisation that I had embraced a mindset that hindered my freedom and self expression. I had thought for many years that God did not care about the way I looked or dressed. I viewed Him as an old man that wore rustic looking clothes and old suit jackets. This way of thinking was further justified by observing what certain preachers and Christians would wear. It all looked the same and it didn’t express individuality.

While in the closet I had an encounter where God quickly corrected my view of who He is. He announced to me saying, ‘James, I am the King of Swag!!’. This blew me away and He further explained to me that everything beautiful comes from Him and reminded me of the extravagance of King Solomon. Solomon was the wisest and richest human that ever lived. He wore beautiful clothes and was not afraid to show it!! However, according to Matthew 6 he didn’t even come close to the way the lilies of the field were adorned. If this is how God clothes the lilies, how much more us?

Now some of you might be asking, ‘this is un-spiritual and how does it further the gospel?’ Well, anything that hinders my creativity and self expression only serves to hide His nature and make me religious. Creativity is a big part of who God is and should be seen through those created in His image. The church is notorious for hiding this part of God because of legalism and fear mindsets that don’t come from a heart of freedom. A heart that is free has permission to dream, create, live out loud and live in purity without apology. Remember, God has created originals not clones!!!

Fashion is not the main thing and definitely not the only thing we live for in life, but it is still a big part of who we are whether we like it or not. I’m not talking about dressing inappropriately or causing people to fall. I believe strongly in dressing modestly and bringing life to the eyes that watch. But what I am talking about is being who God created you to be.

You may be afraid that this way of thinking could lead you into a life of pride. Learning to give thanks for everything you buy and wear will successfully keep God in front of you where He belongs. Learn to be you!

God is beautiful!