Why I Hate Religion


Religion is the cause of many wars, it has ordered more deaths than it has given life, it judges people without fully knowing who they really are, it sets impossible standards that people can’t meet and it’s the cause of many who suffer from mental health. I hate religion!!

Now before you get carried away let me clarify. I’m not saying I hate God but I’m simply saying that I hate the way people have created God to be. And just so you know, I’m not the only one that feels this way. Jesus felt the exact same way and had zero tolerance for it. The Pharisees (religious people) were all in contention with Him and He warned His disciples to stay away from their teaching. They valued the Word and theory of God rather than a real relationship. Love was never the centre but instead rules and regulations were. This is the same thing we have seen time and time again in history and in the present, but just manifests in different ways.

Here are some reasons why I hate religion:

– It requires everything from you but doesn’t give anything back
– It focuses on the outward appearance but neglects a persons heart
– You can’t do anything right
– It requires you to attain perfection by yourself
– It promotes hate over love

Jesus never promoted this sort of lifestyle but promoted love everywhere He went and gave people life. He was not focused on people’s sin and mistakes but was more concerned about bringing healing to a lost generation. His ultimate sacrifice on the cross freed us from a mindset of trying to get to God through works, but now through simply believing. Where religion makes it complicated God makes it simple!!

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