5 Tips To Having A Healthy Mind


Most people think that living a successful life is based on outward appearance, how much money a person can make and the material things they posses. This might be a fruit of success but definitely not the main thing. It’s having a healthy mind and possessing right thinking that will set a person up for success.

Let me give you 5 tips on how to cultivate a healthy mind:

1. Spend time reading books that make you come alive – Reading is like food to the mind and a motivator for most of the great people we know in our age and the ones in previous years. John Maxwell once said that, once his daily reading stops so does his productivity. Books have the ability to motivate you to action and more importantly they challenge your mind to think differently. Whatever challenge or question you have you can always find a book to help you through your obstacle and lead you on to healthier thinking in particular areas of your life.

2. Be thankful for the good things that are happening and don’t focus on what hasn’t happened – Thankfulness is a big deal because it redirects our mind to focus on what is happening without stumbling over what hasn’t happened yet. When you focus on what hasn’t happened yet, you set yourself up to be offended at life and at this point you give fear and depression legal access to your mind. Now, this might sound extreme but it happens all the time!! On the other hand, when we focus on the positive and are thankful for what is happening it gives us confidence to dream big and puts an expectation on what’s about to come next.

3. Seek healing for past hurts and overcome destructive patterns – If there were a list from 1-10 of things that hold people back and plague their minds, I would have this as number 1. Unhealed wounds will cause you to hurt other people and yourself. It’s main priority is to make sure your mind doesn’t prosper and will keep you going around in circles until it is dealt with. I’ve had times in my life that I’ve been hurt and because of it I limited my willingness to love because I was afraid I might be hurt again. The problem was that it caused me to shut people out and then seek pleasure in places that were unproductive. In spite of this, I sought healing. When I received it, my heart came alive and it felt like I was given different lenses to see life through.

4. Go after everything that’s on your heart and evading your conscience – Having a clean conscience does not just involve ensuring that you don’t live with a lack of moral integrity but also in not fulfilling what you said you were going to do. Dreams that have been neglected will send signals to your conscience causing the alarm to go off. This will happen until you have done what you said you were going to do.

5. Let go of all gossip, hate, backbiting and choose love – Hate and gossip cause darkness to cover our minds and no good will ever be found in it. When I find myself gossiping I can feel my mood changing from positive to negative and from thankfulness to being ungrateful. Love on the other hand will always lift your mind to its highest altitude. It sees the good in everything and always hopes. It never disappoints and will never lose!!

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