A Taste Of Grace


The word Grace is probably the most misunderstood word in Christianity. In my personal life I used to think that Grace was just a word you use when someone got on your nerves. I would say things like, “we need to have grace for the person.” Apart from that I didn’t know what the word meant or how it applied to me.

It wasn’t until I began to study that I found out it wasn’t just a word but more a way of life. A way of life whereby things are now made available that previously wasn’t. I found out that it’s called favour, but not favour that can be earned. The Apostle Paul even says that because of our position in Christ we now stand in Grace. In other words it is from this place that we now live and do life from. It’s a lifestyle of unmerited favour where anything is possible at anytime. If you dare to believe!!

‘Grace’ is a controversial term because not only do we receive a lifestyle of favour but sin loses its power and we get to live a life of total freedom. It offends people that feel justified by their work and great efforts to please God. Let me note that it’s not by our efforts that we are justified, but rather our faith in His ability to justify us. The moment we start to trust in our limited abilities we level off and disqualify ourselves from experiencing the impossible. On the other hand, if we can learn to just receive the incredible privilege He has given us, then our lives become an adventure is stress free, without struggle and filled with joy.

Learn how to receive grace today and watch what happens!!

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