7 Reasons Why The Power Of God Is Not Active In Your Life


1. You believe it’s only for certain individuals – I use to believe that the power of God (miracles, signs and wonders) were only for certain people because that is how I was taught. I was taught that only leadership was allow to lay hands and visiting pastors or prophets. I thought I would have to fast 40 days and nights to even get close to what they are carrying. In light of this, it all changed when I found out that the Spirit of the Resurrected Christ lives in me. I realised I carried the same power so I too was able to see what they saw!!

2. You only wait for things to happen but don’t step out to see the power of God activated – If the Holy Spirit lives in you then the next step is to look for opportunities to see Him released. Waiting for things to happen only expresses lack of understanding in what you have and the commission to give it away.

3. You pray things like ‘IF it’s Your will!!’- The word ‘if’ should never be used at the start of a prayer as far as faith is concerned. It only serves to make you double minded and unsure as whether or not God wants to do what you have requested.

4. You might of been taught that miracles were only for Bible days – Some church circles believe that miracles passed away in ancient times so now we only get to practice a Christianity that is based on moral behaviour, being good to people and getting people saved. This might sound right but was never the example of Jesus or anyone in the New Testament. In fact He commanded His disciples to go and teach the world everything He commanded them. What did He command them to do? Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those with leprosy and drive out demons!!

5. You have been sucked into a culture that celebrates theories and concepts more than experience – “Bible study without bible experience is pointless.” – Bill Johnson. The point is that when we focus on just reading or listening to words without experiencing them we step into an inferior Christianity. Christianity was never meant to be known by words only, but by power. Knowing God can not be achieved by just reading and entertaining concepts. To know Him is to experience Him!!

6. You are waiting to get to a certain level of spirituality – The power of God is not based on where you are spiritually and certainly not on how good you are. It’s always based on how good GOD is!! The Spirit of God lives in you now, not later and comes fully equipped with power so start moving!!

7. The fear of something not happening holds you back – Before I started to see miracles through my own hands I was afraid to step out because I thought I would feel embarrassed if I put someones hopes up and then nothing happened. After doing this for a little while I realised that if I don’t step out and take the risk nothing will happen!! I then had to get over myself and step out regardless of whether I saw an instant result or not. It’s about the risk more then the result.

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