Focus on the Positive


Joyce Meyer says that the battlefield is in the mind and there is a full blown war going on within our thought patterns. While this could seem strange it’s important that we begin to pay attention to our thoughts and open ourselves up to adjusting them.

Our thoughts are considered to be our internal realities and everything that goes on outside are called external realities. This includes beauty, jobs, cars etc… Now, the funny thing is that everything we see outside is a reflection of what is happening in our inner world (I know this might seem a bit deep but just hang on in there, I’m going somewhere with this).

This means that if we desire to change our external realities we first have to change our thinking otherwise we remain stuck. Learning to focus on the positive and not everything that is going wrong, is the first step to having a healthy inner world. Focusing on the positive produces life in our bodies and influences our external realities while focusing on the negative completely kills your confidence and distracts you from your purpose. It serves as a distractor and can cause things like stress, sickness, discouragement, unbelief, jealousy and hatred for yourself and others. It is actually a trap!!

On the other hand when positive thinking is applied on a regular basis it can completely change your world and your contribution to the world around you. It keeps your emotions stable, fuels your passion, increases your faith, pleases God and elevates your standard of living.

So, I just want to remind you. If you desire to change your standard of living then you firstly must change the way you think!!

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