5 Reasons Why It’s Time To Create


1. The World needs what you have – Everyone that has been created has a unique contribution to give the world. It’s a calling or gift that only you can give and without it the world waits in starvation for you to arise. In other words when you sit down on your gift there is a spiritual imbalance that effects the natural world and can only be corrected when people arise and shine. This might seem extreme but it’s through creating that we discover solutions and answers for critical issues. We provide opportunities that were not previously there and inspire a generation to be themselves. Without people creating we would not have the privileges we have today.

2. You Won’t Feel Satisfied Until You Do It – There is something satisfying about creating for yourself. It’s like a hole that can only be filled when we step out and begin create. God had the exact feeling when He created the earth In Genesis chapter 1. After He finished creating (not before!!) He said it was good and on the 7th day He rested. He was satisfied therefore giving Him the ability to rest. Now I don’t think it was rest as we know it to be as God can’t sleep but rather it was an act of satisfaction. What I’m saying is that when you start creating the hole gets filled and you get the opportunity to rest knowing that what you created is good!!

3. We Were Born To Create  It’s in our nature. In my second point you would have seen me reference the creation story in Genesis chapter one. Well in the same chapter it says that we are made in the image of God and in His likeness meaning that we posses His very nature without trying and therefore it is natural for us to create. Let me put it this way, we were born to create as our Father in heaven creates. If you are not creating then I’ll suggest to you that you are not fully being yourself. It’s time to create!!

4. There Are Levels Of Growth That Can Only Be Accessed Through Creating – There are different levels to growth and there are only some that will open up if we are ready to create. It’s like a password to a door that we will only gain access to if we have the right code. In my life I have had many different levels of growth such as spiritual growth, relationship growth, integrity growth, educational growth etc. These are all levels of growth that are very important. In addition there is another sort of growth where it requires you to put yourself “out there”. It requires you to dig deep and face some of your deepest fears, it takes courage and an imagination. It’s called creating!!

5. It’s Part Of Our Calling – We all have a calling and most of the time it require us to build. Callings will always involve other people. It’s meant to be a beautiful thing when you can create something for someone else to enjoy. It’s a calling and our way of giving back what God has placed inside of us. Let’s start creating!!


  1. Mate – you have NO idea how timely this post is … OH. MY. DAYZ! Thank you so much (my comment will make sense by the end of the week)!

  2. Thanks James. Awesome encouraging thoughts and truths. I was meditating about creating myself…..see you Monday at encounter night.

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